Jun 3, 2009

my little girl

Today is June 3rd and it is cloudy and a Wednesday, which means that I have to work both jobs today and won't come in the door until 10:00 tonight. But what makes everything OK is that today is my little girl's birthday. She is my youngest, my baby, my little "pinkie", and today she is 15. Wow! Such a young woman she is becoming. She seems to have all of the great qualities that I never possessed as a teenager. She is beautiful, outgoing, a social butterfly, goal-oriented (meaning she's thinking about college), and confident.

She is the light of my life. Yes we have our mother/daughter moments, but she really is a joy to have around. If the occasional argument and sassy mouth is the worst that I have to deal with, then I am pretty lucky. Yesterday her and her bestfriend (who is also turning 15 today!) informed me that an acquaintance of theirs that is in their grade and the same age ---Is. Pregnant. Uggghhh!!! Is it that time already? Time to worry about boys, and sex, and babies, and boys, and growing up too fast, and boys! And my oh my, how she likes the boys. Yikes! Hubby is freakin out. She is such a daddy's girl. They have this special bond. She truly does have him wrapped around her finger, yet she doesn't dare upset him. Not because he is too stern, but because she just doesn't want disappoint him. Like that's possible!!

Thus far she has earned our trust and hasn't gotten into any trouble and is an absolute joy of a daughter. She is funny and sarcastic and cracks us up. She loves shoes & clothes & shopping. Actually she's obsessed with those things. She loves to do her hair and get her toes done, and shop for clothes, and text like mad on the lastest and greatest cell phone (which is on her birthday list) and hang with her friends and listen to music. She is an amazing athlete, cheerleader, and dancer. She astounds us with her tumbling abilities and somehow, with no dance training, has become a beautiful dancer over these last 2 years. She is quick-witted and keeps me on my toes. She knows when enough is enough, and regularly lectures her girlfriends when they talk back to their parents. I am so proud of the young woman she has become and so very excited with anticipation over what is to come. I know these high school years will go by so quickly. We will try to slow down, take a breath, and enjoy every moment. And take loads of pictures!

Elizabeth Marie, you are a joy, and you are sunshine in my day.
We love you so much pinkie.


Amanda said...

I am so touched by this amazing post!! What a wonderful child you have raised!

God bless-