Aug 26, 2009

Happy Birthday Mom!

Mom & me - Damascus, VA - August, 2007

Today I would like to wish my mother a very Happy Birthday! Today is definitely a day to celebrate! What better way to start my day than with a phone call from Mom at 7:30 this morning. I thought something was wrong, Mom is never up that early. Nope, everything was fine. Maybe she was just excited because it was her birthday? She thought I would be up that early because it was my daughter's first day of school. Silly, silly mother. My child is 15 years old and gets up at 6:00 to leave the house by 6:55. Yeah, um, I was definitely still sleeping when she called. However it was great to catch up with her since I just got back from our trip to Philadelphia.

What can I say about my mother? Do you have a couple of hours? No? Ok, then I'll give you the Readers Digest version. My mother is amazing. She always has been, but as any adult child will tell you, one doesn't really begin to fully appreciate their parents until they are adults (or parents) themselves.

My mom knows me better than anyone. I can go to her with anything on my mind or in my heart and she will always tell me truth, always put it in perspective, always delight in my stories, always share adventures with me, always cut me off mid-conversation if I am whining too much. She will always pray for me and with me. She will always give me her point of view and has NEVER butted in with criticism, or been pushy, or tried to tell me how to live my life.

She is wonderful to my husband. He is so blessed with a wonderful mother-in-law, not every guy can say that. He loves her lots even if he teases her all the time. She loves, loves, loves her grandchildren and showers them with her love and kisses.

It seems as if she knows just the right time to give us a push, and just the right time to pull back. Several years ago I must have been whining a lot or been unhappy with life, because she showed up at my house one day with a little window suncatcher (Mary Engelbreit, I think). "Isn't it so cute"? she asked. On the top of it were the words "Snap out of it". So subtle. I didn't even get it at the time, but that's mom gently nudging without coming on too strong.

She is a wonderful wife to my Dad. He's a lucky guy too. And I know he loves and appreciates her as much, if not more, than I do. She is the mother of 7. She has wonderful relationships with all of us and is always there when we need her. She has selflessly taken care of a sibling that has needed extra help in life, and for all she's done for and with him, I consider her a Saint.

She touches everyone that is blessed enough to have her in their life. I've never known anyone with as many friends as her. I've even had a couple of girlfriends that want Mom to be their freind too. "Your mom is so nice & sweet". I've heard that my entire life and it is so very, very true.

I love you Mom. You are my mother, my dearest friend, and I treasure you with all of my heart.

Happy Birthday!



MonkeyFace said...

Awww....what a nice tribute. And, you are right! You never fully appreciate your parents until you are an adult and can relate to their struggles.

Amanda said...

What a sweet way to honor your mom... a public tribute to her awesomeness!!!

Blessing to you!

Oh yeah! I'm giving away $100 cash on my blog. Stop by and win! And if you blog about it I'll give ya an extra comment. You you dont have too. I always hate when people ask me to do that!! OOKKKKK....apparently I took a side of crazy this morning with my toast.
